Past & Present Work

Wells Fargo Premier

Over the first half of my year starting as a Product Designer at Wells Fargo, I was responsible for creating the landing page for the company's new Affluent segment. Wells Fargo Premier is for customers who hold $250,000 or more in their bank accounts.
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Advice Analytics Website Redesign

From my original role as Product Marketing Intern to only after 5 weeks being promoted to Associate Marketing Manager, one of my first full-scale projects was to do a complete redesign of the website homepage. Our company strives to help over millions of Americans with their retirement.
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In my one year internship at the event SaaS start-up, I worked as a Product Design Associate where I had continuously switched from performing UX tasks to designing elements of the software Registration User Interface or 'RUI.' Use Case: When an event organizer is trying to bring in event goers, the event goer must have a confirmation that they have signed up for the event.
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Freelance graphic, product design & commissions

An assortment of graphic designs, flyers and commissions I have done in the last few years. I have made over $796 in artwork I have sold through websites such as RedBubble and Instagram or on my own accord.
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Hero image of hand waving emoji.

Contact Val

Need something designed?

Let’s have a chat about anything: Star Wars, fitness, or how badly we all want summer to come faster. Or, of course, design.

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